Comparison of Chinese and Vedic Astrology
ComparisonofVedictoWesternandChinesetoWesternAstrologies are quite common. Yet the missing link is to obtain greater clarity of the similarity of Vedic and Chinese Astrology’s. The moment
in which we stand, today reflects the Drishti (gaze) set on the differences between two somewhat similar cultures on a macro level. To some argument, even the concept of dharmic and Taoist principles contrasting becomes humorous when the tire meets the road at the word karma. Karma is a basic word to point at the root idea in a vast number of ideologies. As individuals, we always teeter towards a positive or negative account balance. In this alone, we endure suffering. From the information that has crossed my path, wisdom traditions are storytelling containers that hold the teachings for those seeking the escape of suffering. It is in the dualistic nature that we suffer and that the stories all present.
We are a mind kind (not man kind) species that is able to think and ponder the greater concepts of a being in material substance or in form. Realizing one as separate from the covering of form, the view of the atma emerges during the crossing of the balance points of stillness. In concept, holding to the center or balance point is a simple idea. Yet, in practice, a challenge is presented.
In this humble and evolving work in progress, the attempt to unite and reveal the yoga of two currently potentially warring cultures that share much of the same root in origin from the macro view.
Both are rich in elegant wisdom to include many profound scholars who did their due diligence in deciphering the sky and working out the calculations for that which never sleeps time.
It is my deep lifelong love and obsessive hobby of astrology that births this book. Companioned with almost two decades of intense Hatha and Taoist asana practice, study, authorship, and teaching the ties of Vedic and Chinese astrology have become so apparent that they are almost demanding to be connected.
This day and age, so many want to continue to divide the minutia and ignorantly fight over the petty differences for profit and power. Although this is the puzzle of residing on Earth, the extremes of these natures create more suffering than necessary. We each may have reasonable profit and personal power while moving consciously through the journey set before us.
Astrology is that which removes our blindness to the fluctuations of seemingly invisible ups and downs.
Even if we want to argue over the differences in astrology when one steps back, we see the commonality is that we all agree on the use of astrology overall, no matter which system.
Lets begin with the end in mind, and that end is all about the balance point.
In wellness for all,