Yin Wood

Yin Wood. A climbing vine or grass. Soft, graceful, quick to grow, and flexible. Generally tidy, gently spoken charmer, resilient, able to see from different angles, and see short term details. Yin Wood requires good soiland is easily angered or swayed. They are elegant and can be insecure. Great at networking, their confidence derives from others’ views and interaction levels; they need their friends. The yin wood mind wanders like a vine or wind through the trees, as it is always on the move and rather Vata in subordinates can take advantage, so they may have to get forceful and cut through to bring things back to balance. Excellent follow-through, find right solutions, integrity, product, and are service-driven over sales and marketing. Lacking long term planning, good to team up with a long term planner. A need to watch for anger and remember to stay focused on doing the right things. Remain focused on the Tao or transcendental vs. the superficial.


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Yang Fire